Neurotron | 28 December 2004, 1:16pmSo, it's a time for reflection, eh?
What did 2004 mean to me? Was it an oh-so-wonderful year? Did I get all I wanted? Shall I wonder if 2004 will turn out to be significant in my life? Shall I wish for 2005 to be even better, wish all and sundry a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year, generally beam all around and make like it's a HUGE transition? Shall I wax eloquent?
Naahh, screw it.
I feel quite...empty. And it feels quite strange.
There's only one person I want to spend New Year's eve with. And not more than 5 other people I'd like to also be there. I don't want to 'partaaayyyyy' anymore, I don't want 50 million watts of dhik-chik dhik-chik, I don't want 35 half naked VJs/DJs prancing to the 'most mindblowing party of the year!!!' You may kindly shove the 'hottest dance troupes' from Paris or Pathhargatti or whereverthefuck where the sun don't shine. I don't want all this maha pressure of having FUN!! or being seen at this 'do' or that 'blast'.
Being in the extremely 'whatever' mood I am in right now, I don't really know what it is I do want. But I do know that the places I go to and the things I do won't matter at all, compared to who I am with. Of course, this is not something new or wonderfully unique by itself...but it is for me.
There is still a temptation to analyse the year. But no.
What did Narcissus do at the edge of the pool?
He reflected.
Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: Teardrop - Massive Attack
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1. By Yoshi Fuzakeru | 28 Dec 2004, 2:16pm
My thoughts EXACTLY !!
Want to spend NEW Years together with me ( since we both know what we want and dont want and our lists match ) !!
2. By Sita | 28 Dec 2004, 3:19pm
-'Incase you're wondering.. all our parties are like this only.. there's no ding chak ding chak stuff'
-'I prefer it this way baap.. good music and good booze'
What ever yer doin, I'm with ya.
3. By Neurotron | 28 Dec 2004, 6:36pm
@Yoshi: heh heh. Sure, why not? ;-) No expectations is good...
@Sita: of course y'are shweet'art. never a doubt. esp after the last 2 parties... ;-)
4. By dawn | 29 Dec 2004, 2:53pm
i for one wud like to certainly reflect on the past n look for a better future.. i had one of the worst years in my life.. n i donot want to spend this comin yr craving bout people i cannot be with, things i cannot do.
doesnt matter how much we care n what we do.. some people jus make it a point to let u know u dont matter.
i want this year to b boozin, no party..a quite time with my family..
A post that has made me reflect.
5. By Neurotron | 30 Dec 2004, 9:56am
@dawn: hmmm...I'm sorry this wasnt a great year for you. But it's good that you've decided on what you want to do about your happiness.
I'm glad the post helped you reflect, and hope it helped... :-)
6. By dawn | 1 Jan 2005, 4:47pm
it certainly did, thnku.