All-time Favourite Books

Persuasion by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy

One by Richard Bach

Illusions : Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

Disclosure by Micheal Crichton

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Rilla of Ingleside by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Sphinx by Robin Cook

Coma by Robin Cook

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by Joanne Kathleen Rowling

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I wish...

30 Jan, 2005 @ 3:06am | General

It seems that my brother and I have suddenly become very desirable dinner guests. For the first time in my admittedly short life, i have a choice of which of three dinner engagements to attend. With all 3 hosts claiming that they will be terribly disappointed should we fail to grace the occasion with our presence, what is a girl to do? While flattering, this has occassained a need for a juggling of my social calendar that i fear i am not equal to. Add to that the fact that my brother's exams are going on, and he insists on staying home and studying (whoever wants to do that???), i have my hands quite full. And just like you have done at some point of ur life, I wish there could be more than one of me so i cold be everywhere at once!

Current Mood: Irreverent
Current Music: Ronan Keating - If tommorow never comes


[No Subject] | Posted by george

u could pass off one of those invites to me...
i've never refused a free dinner...
sigh! and to think u have 3 options !!

@ 2:56pm, 30 Jan 2005

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