Posted by D.Raw El Payne
10 April 2005, 5:07pm
This sucks.
To be continued....
PS : To all those visitors out there who check if this carcass of a blog has some life in it, every single day at the tune of 40 times/day>> Thank you. You make blogging worthwhile.
PPS : Many of my posts have ended up as stillborns which'll never see the light of day, they are buried now as .txt files or as random scribblings in various notepads all over my room. Amen to them, they remain as blogs all the same only blogs which won't be criticised for their apparent lack of verbal skills. :|
PPPS: I can never never be concise.
Current Mood: Screwed
Current Music: DJ Suketu - Soul of Bombay
10 Apr 2005, 5:13pm
10 Apr 2005, 5:27pm
What sucks?
10 Apr 2005, 5:29pm
dun worry dood
11 Apr 2005, 11:54am
What good will writing do anyways?
PPPPS: I'm told by 'wise' men that I should visit your blog more often! :)
11 Apr 2005, 3:49pm
11 Apr 2005, 4:29pm
who are these wise peepulls? :D
writing usually does a lot of good to a sick mofo like me. i like to see my dazed fan following bowing down at my feet as is their wont.
or something like that. :|
abbe rock saale, don't come to me blaag all sleepy..kiddo ! [-x
aran, a lot of things suck.
back to mugging. :|
11 Apr 2005, 4:40pm
@anand : i ain't worryin. :D
hs>> :-* :-"
11 Apr 2005, 11:12pm
concise enuf.
12 Apr 2005, 8:32am
who fuckin cares
12 Apr 2005, 2:45pm
kk : not u definitely. 8-|