Ariza | Politics | 15 November 2011, 11:09pm
Take a normal day in anyone’s life.
I get worried summing these random scraps of tax. How much will they add up to? Because it doesn’t end there – does it? I haven’t visited a restaurant / or even contemplated flying to Delhi to see my mother. They’ll charge your brains out for thinking of doing something sinful like flying.
For, it is a sinful indulgence to think of living. Long long ago... when our country was young... the idealistic old men who thought up laws in spare time decided that the country must be responsible for its less fortunate. Nothing wrong with that! But they decided that this support can only be funded by taxing the rich. Tax the rich and distribute it to the poor. Robin-hood and all that.
So are you and I rich? I am not. May be the folks who own fullhyd are. But back when laws were as new as the fresh paint on Titanic rich was someone who earned a few thousands. It was a time, ask your grandmother, when Jalebees cost 10ps. But something happened. Most of the country – for no fault of theirs – grew up and like any grown-ups they began to earn more than their parents. But parents never grow up. Government – the ultimate parent didn’t – and did what any parent would do - punish deviant children It means anyone who earns above 3000 a month is rich and hence must be taxed.
Now most decent chaps wouldn’t even complain at being squelched under taxes. IF they had something to show for this! Look around you. Roads, electricity, food, water, petrol, gas etc etc none of these justify the taxes we pay.
One of the problems of democracy is that while it apparently seems to benefit ALL, look closer and you’ll find that ALL is almost never anyone. Let me demonstrate. So your taxes are supposed to pay
Who is this ALL? The rich will send their children to schools with ACs that charge taxes – so they are ruled out. Middle class emulates the rich so they are ruled out. Poor class / the have-nots whose children are supposed to be attending municipal schools – schools that have no roofs / whose teachers are never paid on time / whose play grounds are encroached / whose text books are mis-appropriated and finally whose mid day meal schemes are rife with corruption. So now lets revisit the statement. Education for ALL. Who is ALL? None. Next time you assuage your conscience by paying taxes – think again!
Ever heard those stories with tyrant kings who taxed their populace to plagues / hunger and death? Ever heard of Gandhiji’s Salt Satyagraha to not pay taxes on essentials? Our tyrants are many. They are elected every 5 years but never change. Gandhiji’s salt is perhaps the only commodity left untaxed. Eat salt! Only!
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