After having said whole Gita, Sri Krishna tells Arjuna, You have heard with attention, all that I have been saying. Consider my words fully and do what you think right'. Thus Shri Krishna generously sets Arjuna free. In the same breath, in the next verse he says, 'Arjuna, give up everything and take refuge in Me'. What does this mean? It means as long as there is Ego, there is danger in becoming free; let not any desire of your own arise in your heart. Be an observer of all the waves of desire. 'Not my, but HIS Will' - 'Not my but His Will'. "I" am not, "He" is. As you learn to subdue your ego thus, your 'Rajsik action ill become pure and what will be left will be infinite action without the 'doer'. Every action coming from God - making one a vehicle of His 'divine will' No 'I', No 'My' - all His. Starting with 'I' and frustration leading to no activity in the first chapter to destroying the illusion of 'I' in the second chapter, Gita progresses to the way of action, inward action to support outward action, leading to state of egoless activity in fifth chapter. Rest of the chapters mention the tools of concentration, devotion, surrender, cosmic vision etc. to support egoless activity, and last comes total surrender to obtain His Grace which is the final tool. 'His grace having been established, no effort is needed to remain pure. Purity becomes not only our second nature, but it becomes our first nature, our nature itself. This is the aim and end of Bhagvat-Gita.
Current Mood: Amazed
Current Music: ok
6 Aug 2004, 3:54pm
u wrote -
As you learn to subdue your ego thus, your 'Rajsik action ill become pure and what will be left will be infinite action without the 'doer'.
"as you learn to subdue your ego" - don't you see contradiction in this? 'who' is subduing the 'ego'?? this has been preached for centuries - enlightenment through 'control', through 'suppression', through 'denial'! isn't it all a mind-game? the mind itself projects an ideal state and then starts controlling the 'ego' - which is actually itself! - to conform to the ideal. and this conflict goes on for a lifetime.
and, i'm afriad, when krishna said that to arjuna he actually had implied to focus on rational and objective thinking rather than subjective - in which case one is not acting out of a self-interest and thus he is concerned only with the action and not its results. yes, it suggests 'ego-less' state to thus act, but it is implied to be effected by 'realisation' rather than 'deliberation'. one can never 'control' and 'throw out' the 'ego', because it is a contradiction. it is just a mind-game, just like the conventional meditation technique is. it simply makes the mind dull by enforced silence, it never leads to the ultimate and true silence.
that's my take. if u have any great points to counter or add, i'd love that!
have a great day!