17 Aug 2004

Huh? Wat was that?

Posted by dawn in General | 8:02pm

Does it actually have a bearing what kinds of accent u have especially when you are speaking English?? Perhaps it does…

My cousin, who I should say has a fair command over the language, was hunting for a guy who could be on a par with her verbal skills…
She told me she went virtual hunting one day… and after having spent 4 hrs and Rs.60, she finally decided that this one guy was 'the one'… the basis of her verdict- he was from one of those classy metropolis, working in a reputed call center and seemingly befitted the post!

That is until he told her… 'I yam a Gheralide...."

'Huh? Wat was that?',

No offence meant though…

Well… not that she is critical of someone speaking with a lingo that suggests their mother tongue, and not that she is shallow… she is still friends with him! But it made me think, does accent really carry some weight?

When it comes to me, as much I would deny that I single out people on the basis of their jargon, it would still be bewitching to hear someone speak like Will from 'Will and Grace'!

It's true that it is important to put across the thought, but does 'slanguage' play a role in attracting one's attention?

Does it??

I think it does….

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: Yo, ya...huh ha..