26 Nov 2004

My way

Posted by krits in Writing | 4:29am

Born Free… to follow your heart...live free, the world still astounds you each time you look at the stars…and life is worth living only because you’re born free.. Frank Sinatra

Free to step beyond yourself and go as far your mind will take you. There are as many possibilities as there are thoughts; each thought opening a pathway to the thrill of the unknown, the un-tread.

And each moment in time you are standing at the two-roads-in-the-yellow-woods Frost immortalized with his words.
But you know what? I’m always glad I took the other. I really am. The road, like they say, hasn’t always been like an endless expressway, but the journey has always been a reward, for better or for worse.
The thrill I guess always comes from knowing that it was my way, and no one else’s - the thrill of knowing that the road was taking me somewhere, that there would be pleasant stops on the way; coffee breaks watching the sunset; hours spent looking out the window at blurred somethings – the colors creating a dreamy canvas for a tired mind.

And the road goes on - some jump off; some are pushed away because they fear the others whizzing past; some finish the journey too soon because they accidentally dozed off while driving at night – even when they were the best travel companions ever. They leave behind them a cloud of painful numbness; never to go, never to disperse even with the brightest sun.
But the road goes on – it stretches into the nothingness that you could only visit with your mind, and in time, it becomes the mind. The journey becomes the mind. Taking you where you would want to go, subconsciously, unconsciously, wide-awake.

’free…as the wind blows… the world still astounds you each time you look at the stars…and life is worth living only because you’re born free..’

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: something stupid