17 Jan 2005

Been a while...

Posted by krits in Religion | 9:06am

Seem to be doing a guest appearance here every once in a while..but what the heck, like my dog, the blog loves me unconditionally..no questions asked.

While on the subject, a great debate took place today between two great minds of our times.(Their greatness, of course, will be apparent only posthumously...like it sadly oft happens to all people great.)

Love,they said, was nothing but.Phooey to all the mills n boon variety,phooey to soulmates even. The high is gone much too soon, and it's usually the hangover that lives to tell the tale that once was.

How true,how true. When the honeymoon's over, time to give my side of the bed back.And your smelly socks, you can launder them yourself, and oh, would you mind doing mine too?

Great battle lines are drawn..and defended with utmost care. So much for the two-peas in a pod that you once were.

And that, the great minds concluded, was the ultimate paradox of life. While man is a great island (for want of a better word,again)called individuality, he must still belong to another..many others, in fact.

In other words, you can't escape the potty training, but what you have to do, you have to do alone.

hmm..quite a profound thought..seem to be having a lot of those today funnily.

And so the great thinkers parted ways, with yet another dignified handshake  and saying 'chin up' to each other.

And then they were lost to the annals of yesterday..where thoughts merge and everything ceases to exist.

And they walked away into the twilight with only the great paradox for company...debating,yet solo.

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: Out of time