21 Jan 2005


Posted by krits in General | 12:00pm

Did you ever feel like your writing lacked 'soul'. Like they were all just words randomly scattered about, but didn't really convey the depth of what you were struggling to say?

Like the keyboard was merely assisting you spin out coherent language, but failed to capture the insanty of the feeling behind the fingers?

Like beautiful lyrics with no melody, like a job that only provides you with a fat cheque at the end of the month.

Like what I'm doing right now.

Hitting in the dark to get the right flow of words, the right order of placing them, the right grammar, the right punctuation, the right soul.

Like words lack soul sometimes, perhaps we do too. Trying hard to get the right order , and yet the feeling of doing what you really want to do eludes you.

And we drift..in a sea of words, actions, gestures and thoughts. Plod on through this crazy maze of time..knowing that this isn't where you should be, where you want to be.

Never knowing, but always knowing that what you do lacks the essence, lacks the soul.

Lacks the right words, dammit.

Current Mood: Confused
Current Music: ticket to ride