31 Jan 2005

the metro touch..

Posted by krits in General | 2:42am

Have you ever gone into a parlour placing your entire trust in the able hands of the chinky-looking expert beautician expecting her to transform you into the swan you always imagined yourself to be, paid her a handsome fee, along with a generous tip and come out looking like a plucked chicken?

Welcome to the world of hot wax sores and beauticians from hell. (this is not to hurt the sentiments of any, it's just that I have had the misfortune of meeting the worst of the lot)

They are a deceptive lot, mind you. Housed in swany looking parlours with endless walls displaying chic haircuts and smelling of the divine-est 'imported' cosmetics, they sure as hell know how to make this look good.

Peace prevails till you are graciously seated on the oversized bean bag, 'cosmopolitan' in hand, tapping your foot in rhythm to the latest remix number.

Then you hear the calling. You will be escorted to the appropriate section, they tell you, by the ahem, nice (obese) lady in the apron. And oh, the nice (obese, smiling) lady will look into your needs.

Bzzzz!this is when the first alarm bell in your head goes off.Escorted to the appropriate room?Why cant they do this somewhere close to the cosy bean bag..where the nice looking lady at the counter can supervise, just in case?

Nopes...and you soon know why. The 'appropriate section' is like one of those torture chambers they show in the movies..suspect paraphrenalia lying around, no idea what they use it for, hot wax already steaming in the corner, smelling nothing like the imported stuff outside..a hard chair to sit on (which they can recline at will) and nice (obese, never used deo) lady who isnt so nice anymore.

Sigh!And we wonder why life's most pensive moments are spent in the parlour chair. Some gender issues come to mind as well..is this what the metro guy really desires??

Gladly mister... I would like to see the silky smooth skin on you for a change. And don't forget the arched eyebrows...they don't cost much.

So move over nice (obese,never used deo scowling) lady...I think I'll skip the hot wax sores this time.

Current Mood: Wicked
Current Music: goodness gracious me