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"Holler!!!" to the Hols

manDArin | 7 May 2005, 6:55pm

Friggin. Hols at last. But I do have some 3 exams in the space of a week. Should be easy as cake. Hehe...Should be? Well, its just me assuring myself that the worst is over, even though "The Worst" is always lurking around.

Now all these days I've been trying to tell myself that I'm gonna enjoy myself to the core (hehe...the CORE..imagining Homer Simpson saying.."mmm...CORE!!!") and move around after hols begin. And now all I wanna do is sit around at home and do nothing. Funny how the mind reacts to comfort...you just don't wanna do anything. Or is it the heart?

I so wanna write a poem about Holidays. Pchh..but then I'm not a poet, nor am I Homer Simpson, or Eric Cartman for that matter. How do people write poems or poetry? And just off the top of their heads? Its weird...I mean, imagine someone just being able to write some special words which sound good and are in context *click* just like that. SCARY.

Anyway, now that I'm feeling extraordinarily mediocre, and trying to put together words from the strings of my heart, and going on trying, only to find that Confusion overcame Clarity on the last lap of their race to reach my mind...I'M JUST GONNA HAVE A BALL! and not worry about writing stuff I'm not good at.

(I'm not sure whether you understood that but I think I just wrote a...WOW!)

Edit: In retrospect, that sucked..

Current Mood: Cheerful
Current Music: Writing to reach you - Travis



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