Don't get carried away by the title. This post of mine is not about how one feels when he is experiencing a writer's block(although, on second thoughts i realise that it is an excellent topic to write on, when you are just not able to write anything at all! Let me do that now.)

This post is just to inform the readers that museman is currently inflicted with a deadly disease called writer's block. He has been adviced by well wishers to stay away from the wordpad.

But the itch is too much to resist and here is museman typing along with a mind as blank as his answer sheets were, 8 months back.

Now that i have broached the subject of writer's block, let us mull over it for sometime before proceeding.
What are the symptoms of writer's block? In olden days, writers used to write on papers and then grunt,crumple the paper and put it into the dustbin beneath the desk. The dustbin would eventually(and quickly)overflow. In present times, people write on screen, bang the mouse/keyboard,click on the cross button and then select 'NO' when they are prompted to save the document. And so they wait, for inspiration to strike before they could write again.

Tailpiece: Hmm, no use going any further. Museman will hopefully come out with the third and concluding part of Godly Gestures sometime next week. You may read the first two pieces in the December archieves. Do read the comments for GG-1 before proceeding to read the second part. In the mean time, museman waits for his muse. :- (

Current Mood: Heartbroken
Current Music: none