
_theNeverKing | 9 Jun 2006, 6:34pm

Okay, here's one helluva poem (o really?) i wrote some time back...

Order is boring.
Order is static.
Symmetry sucks
Chaos! Damn it!
Poor creativity
Third world stupid bloke!

Current Mood: Holy
Current Music: Holier than thou - metallica


the Big Bang...

_theNeverKing | 9 Jun 2006, 2:53pm
I have a doubt... those religious ppl who were the reason behind banning the da Vinci Code movie were agruing that the movie was againt their religious sentiments. but then aren't religions and their ever grandiloquent public displays of their supposdly affection and faith towards gods against the beliefs and sentiments of the atheists?? Atheism is also an ism and why isn't it being given the same place and respect as other isms?  

Current Mood: Evil
Current Music: Symphony of Destruction - Megadeth!!


a poem

_theNeverKing | 9 Jun 2006, 10:27am

On a rainyday with my muse

splashing the water
with my foot
sweet mistress in her
bright red saree
following my foot
move about the light water
skipping pebbles of water
jumping around
like her laughter
fresh, wet jasmine scent
coating everything it touched
and the untouched
basking in heady urges.
the chair i was sitting on
dirty wooden colour,
old and pressed.
My white dhoti spotted with
sporadic wetness
crumpled like her fragrant
only not supporting the water
beads that roll along the curves
into my thirsty lips-
like an innocent cup that was waiting
for the elixir ever long
and the moment the drop touched the cup, it burst into innumerable ions
spewing ecstacy all over its body
coating with golden fluid the sky and the core.
Her bangled hand wrapped around
the pillar
stuck to it
her gaze down and lusty
black marbles moving restlessly
as if trying to burst out, break free
and run into unknown corners where
irresistable treasures to behold and hold
lay awaiting
thick framed glasses have become cloudy
drops trailing wet alleys
some standing, patient, tolerant, shivering
and some long gone, forgotten, not a trace

shadows move about
reflections on water
sound of the shadows
are all i can see.
temporary blindness, forced.
touch, smell, sound, taste
mixing into one sense of a dream
an illusion, deliriously real,
dangerously true
hearts thud louder than the patter
silence, the objects mute
blind, deaf...
if only a mirror could show what all it sees.

  - theNeverKing, Hyderabad


Current Mood: Bad Hair Day
Current Music: November Rain - GnR
