Three things that i learnt recently

1) Saw 'Sweet November' yesterday on a friends laptop. Learnt two things-

    i)Some english movies can be as pathetic as telugu movies
    ii)Its not a very good idea to watch movies in a laptop. The picture 
      quality is  too bad. But if the idea is to watch the movie with in negatives , then you 
      can bet on a laptop and watch the movie from a certain tilted angle.
2) Thou shalt not put all thy eggs in one basket. This enlightment because of following reasons-
    i)My lifes savings are depreciating big time  in Reliance Petroleum and in Reliance Petrolium alone.
   ii)I almost lost my wallet which contains my debit/credit/PAN cards and the leftover money to live-out this month.

3) I don't intend to buy a laptop anymore!


Current Mood: Amazed
Current Music: none