18 Aug 2009

Rainy Complaints Melt Away

Posted by vas in General | 6:25pm

My mom woke me up today morning, asking me to open the high window. It was raining and she wanted fresh breeze to flow into the house. I quickly got up, opened the window, and enjoyed the pleasant breeze on my face. I then fell back on bed. Suddenly, to my disappointment, it stopped raining. It reminded me of my long rivalry with rain...

I had never enjoyed getting all wet in the rain. Why? During the rainy season, I always wished it shouldn’t rain when I am going to school or while coming home. But my dear clouds would drop off their watery weight on me only during that time. OK, that’s fine. But not when you are carrying home precious notes and you don’t have an umbrella, and you think your bag is water proof, and when you reach home you realize it isn’t. What can one do? Sue the Monsoon Company? Luckily, I use water-proof ink. My notes are safe. Luckily again, my notebooks are generally do not get so wet.

Usually, when it rains while am coming home (I walk it all the way along with my friend) my friend’s home comes to our rescue. I don’t like barging into her house when it’s raining but what else can I do? She says it’s perfectly alright, I feel it’s perfectly alright, but obviously if she doesn't want me there, she can’t tell me to get out straight on the face.

Anyways, the worst is when it rains while going to school. Fortunately either the greenery on roadside protects me, or my dad drops me at school often. Thanks dad!

I enjoy rain while sitting at home with a novel in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other (or mom’s homemade soup) and sitting in the balcony with mom, simply enjoying the breeze. But, that never happens. I’m not home when it rains, or it stops raining just when I reach the balcony.

You only get to hear about ‘the hours of steady rain’ nowadays. The rain only ends up making the day more humid rather than cool. Anyways when it rains and when I am home, I generally run into the kitchen and sit on the platform and ask my mom to make soup. We chat while the soup boils, and just when we take it to the balcony, settle down, my dear friend stops raining.

But, today I don’t have any complaints. Though it stopped raining as soon as I got up in the morning, it rained again at noon and again in the evening. Today is a holiday and I even had a bowl of soup in the evening when it rained, sitting in the balcony with mom. And, today even the temperatures dropped! So, dear rain, I take back all my complaints. :)

Current Mood: ooooooooooooooo happy
Current Music: Akon - Beautiful