It’s official….. it’s the chilliest time in history of Hyderabad…..brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…Hyderabad is freezing at 8 degree Celsius, the lowest temperatures in many years.  In keeping with the chilling weather, the whole mood in Hyderabad also seems to be freezing.  There is a freeze on all government activity (that is surely not new !!!), freeze on all developmental activity.  The only things that are going up, up & away seem to be the inflation and prices of essential commodities.  This inversely  proportional trend is confounding all contemporary Economics professionals, of whom thanks to a liberal PM we have one too many.  When reports last came in the BPL rekha had also gone up from Rs 26/- a day to Rs 32/-. One should actually be consulting the politicians, as they seem to have the magic mantra of ensuring that their fortunes are always on the rise, irrespective of the state of the state . And you bet Switzerland sure is chilling.

 Just chill.  That seems to be the in thing.  KCR & TRS also seem to subscribe to the trend. Congress in any case is in the cold due to the Maya wave and has consigned Telangana to the deep freezer in Andhra Pradesh. With Telangana so cold heartedly put away to 2014, Hyderabad city can breathe a little easy while missing the impromptu mini vacations.    Advanis Yatra drew a cold response and cadre very easily attributed it to the winter. However they seem to be oblivious to the Modi-heat in Gujarat.

There is one agency that is sending a real Chill up the spines of many a bureaucrat, politico i.e, Chill….Central Bureau of Investigation. That is why all of them from Mine bureaucrats like Sri Lakshmi to Rajgopal to Politicos of Bellary fame are feeling the heat even though they are experiencing chilling experiences of another kind. They certainly warrant some warm feelings from their brothers in arms. We are told that the Jails are unfailingly cold & unforgiving.  

There was a time when Hyderabad never had a chill, no sweaters, no ceiling fans, it was always blessed with natural AC weather. But now chill is haute.  The pavement Nepali sellers have given way to many a “Winter Collection” ensembles. The page -3 regulars generally are a chilled out genre without relevance to the weather. The vagaries of the weather are for the Aam Aadmi.    

Talking of cold ….. the CM & PCC chief seem to revel in a cold vibe environment especially when they come back from an audience in Delhi.  The Telugu Desam does not seem to have an idea of the weather, they should follow Jr B’s advice and get some “Ideas”. The other parties have been knocked out “Cold” and are looking for warmer pastures.

To top it all guess the name of the film that won the best feature film made for children this year---CHILLar Party. Have fun “Just Chill”.


Currently Reading: Power of Now