26 Aug 2004

My love letters...

Posted by dawn in General | 7:56pm

I have at all times believed I express better writing than talking to someone…. like my brother called me last night and I told him to get online so tat I cud have a 'real' chat! He is of course used to it but my friend, who had heard me say that, was dazed!

Even as a kid, when I did not harmonize with my parents on an issue, I'd write little notes and put it in my mom's purse or dad's shirt for them to read it later…
It was painless for me to write a note of how much I treasured my brother, or how much I longed for him than to vocalize my feelings and mumble when he'd ask me why I was standing like a statue staring at him!

My little writings have always alleviated my concerns- to apologize or to thank, to express my fears or my joys, to celebrate or to grieve… they are a sure way of letting others know I care… (Well, checkin it like a 100 times to c if they have yet read them and if not, telling them to look for it, is a total different issue rite?)
Writing something, even if it is a simple 'thanku' or 'sorry' has eased the tension so many a times and has helped my relationships grow fonder…

My little 'love' letters make me smile… :)

Current Mood: Feeling Better
Current Music: if only u had read it, u wud...
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