Category: General

19 Jul 2004

one-eyed aliens

Posted by krits in General | 7:30pm

Ok ok… here goes profile # 1. (And my book shall be called ‘7 habits of highly unadventurous people who meet only 7 kinds of individuals in their entire lifetime’). So much for creative genius!

So type 1:

This is the guy who has an almost inhuman ability of ‘breaking onto the other side’. The quintessential ‘anti’ everything. The one who says ‘why not’ and the ‘why not’ becomes magically tattooed on his face for all to see.
The guy who tried everything he wasn’t supposed to at school; and actually continued doing those things through most of his adult life.
(Now when I say ‘guy’ I actually mean both sexes. It’s always becomes easier when you talk about all the evil in the world with a ‘guy’ perspective…makes it come alive, actually)
Anyways, you can’t really spot him from a mile away. Looks perfectly sane, normal, even. Then he starts talking. Talks about the ‘other worlds’ he’s visited, and believe me, it doesn’t end at the nine planets. You almost write him off, when you realise that this dude, to his own surprise, has an abnormally high IQ. It’s like too much cotton stuffing in the delicate living room cushion.
He lives his life from the threshold of the ‘point of no return’; you never know when he’ll actually fall off the wagon. I guess it would be much too judgmental to say that he could actually do some super-good in the world with his kind of thinking-power, but it always comes to naught. Use his intellect, he will – but it almost always is for stirring up the mundane-ness of life.
At the end of the day, though, you could have some really crazy conversations with him – you could actually talk to him about the mating habits of one-eyed aliens with a straight face and he won’t blink an eyelid. Or the fact that you had the trip of a lifetime last night when you bummed green hair dye from your geeky NRI cousin, and actually used it in unimaginable places ;-) haha..ok maybe that would be too much for even him to take! Anyway…you get he drift.
All in all, a softie at heart, and in the accompanying head...and quite approachable if he ever decides to make the trip back from never-land.

Current Mood: Happy Indeed!
Current Music: fast love

16 Jul 2004


Posted by krits in General | 11:22am

Dementors – life-sucking shapeless creatures of doom. So you may never feel cheerful again.
I’ve had the creepy misfortune of meeting some real-life dementors in the course of my relatively brief lifetime. You can feel them from a mile away - the creepy cold, weighed-down chill that runs through your being when they enter the room.
Fortunately I have also come to the divine conclusion that in your lifetime, you meet a grand total of 7 people prototypes.
So much so that whenever I meet someone new, the first few seconds of the all-too important ‘first impression’ time is spent mentally classifying them into one of the 7 groups. This guy? He would be a number 4 kind of a thing.

All this definitely takes the cheer out of living the moment and experiencing the sanguinity that each sunrise brings, BUT it has its advantages. I’m pretty sure this is a deep psychological ‘mental shortcuts’ phenomenon that is designed to make the perils of the earthy world easier to deal with.
For one, it keeps the creepy dementor-types away. Where you unwittingly get drawn into an impassioned soul searching with this person, and before you know it, you’re swimming the depths of no-man’s land. A cloud descends – sans the proverbial silver lining.
You’ve got to give it to these types – they have the innate ability to suck the joy out of every situation. God forbid if the situation was depressing to start with. Imagine living through life wearing glasses that were actually designed for your obese next-door neighbour who has never taken a vacation in the 50 years of her existence.
But you’ve got to admit, happenstance is a happy thing indeed…and even better when you happen to meet all the people at all the right times. I guess most of existence is spent trying to avoid the wrong kind of people rather than really looking for the right ones.

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: until the end

18 Jun 2004

Critique: Stupendous Man

Posted by krits in General | 2:58pm

What is it about flying that always makes you want to do it? Sitting here at work on the 5th floor of quite a trendy building has its advantages. You get a bird’s eye view of the city – you can see the monsoon clouds slowly gathering towards the evening and at one go you have the weather forecast for the whole city. It’s completely enchanting. You can tell whether it’s raining in Secunderabad, or whether the road outside my house will be flooded when I get home in the evening.

On days when all you get is a brief shower, you can actually see the dark clouds parting and a patch of impossibly radiant sun lighting up Mahendra hills in the distance. Like someone’s beaming a torch light down to see whether the people living there were ok with the fact that it rained only 5 minutes.

Then you have the crows, of course. They’re weirder than you could ever imagine. So there was this one crow that got it into his head (crows are all male –period) that he must swim against the tide and fly vertically instead. It wasn’t just a simple nose-dive that this guy attempted…he actually just suspended himself mid-air and kept going down like he was in an elevator, his wings spread wide open. Bump, bump, bump. Of course, the air-layers didn’t make it easy, but he did the one ‘un-crowy’ thing he was allowed in his lifetime.

Speaking of what’s real and what’s not, you must, must, must read a book called the Velveteen Rabbit. Yeah, yeah, I know, you’ve heard about it on ‘Friends’. I don’t know if your curiosity got the better of you, but I decided to seek it out online and read it. Google would be most willing to find it for you. It sort of reminds you of ‘The Little Prince’, the way it’s written and the distinctly ‘nursery’ theme it’s got. It makes you feel 10 and 30 all at the same time…quite a journey, that!

Coming back to flying, I was wondering – how come every little kid dreams of flying at least at some point in his kiddie life? I know quite a number of boys who all but jumped out of a reasonably high building because they wanted to be ‘superman’. How come ‘Stupendous man’ has a cape and flies?

Did you ever meet a kid who said I want to have fins so I can swim the ocean and back? How many super heroes do you know who are the voices of justice in the marine world? Why are wings the coolest and fins not?

What is it about flying anyway?

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: Turn,turn,turn -Byrds

9 May 2004

Cosmic Issues

Posted by krits in General | 10:47am

What if, this is the only day that is yours, your only hour, your only second? What if tomorrow will be someone else’s and what if the moment you have right now will never occur tomorrow? And all those plans you faithfully listed down are but the ramblings of a non-existent person? What if tomorrow all traces of your existence are wiped off from the face of the earth? No one knows you anymore, and even though you’re a memory, you’re fading by a shade everyday? And finally a day would come when there is no proof that you ever were, that you ever smiled, you ever cried, you ever thought happy little thoughts, or you danced one day in the blinding rain? Time seems to be a convenient conceptualization that has spiraled into a vicious whirlpool for all humanity. If we had no real concept of time, would we ever think of yesterday, or tomorrow, or ever make a ‘time table’ to rule our lives? Observing your pet dog for a day would probably give you a glimpse of what it’s like not to have ‘time’ rule your existence. For example, do you think your pet dog (as a representation of the non-human species ) ever frets over where it’s next meal is coming from? Or do you think it ever wonders how to make up with you after its bad behavior yesterday? Or what it will do with its life in the future? We seem to be caught in a time wrap. It’s only obvious from the millions of ads you see in the papers these days – calling out to you to take up meditation, and ‘live in the present’. The first reality that meditation confronts you with is that 99% of our problems are created because of living in the past, or the future. Time seems to be a convenient intellectualization that was created so that we could find our bearings in the cosmos; so that the inconsistency of life did not overwhelm the average human. So that it made sense that there was rhythm, harmony and decisiveness- a goal to the phenomenon called life. Think about it, if you had no concept of time, your existence would be akin to that of an animal, perhaps. Your actions/motivations driven by pure instinct, and your ultimate goal to appease the tension arising thereof. Well, that’s a heavy load to digest, even for me! Like they say, time to go, I guess!

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: My way

5 May 2004

Mobile Blues

Posted by krits in General | 11:15am

I have finally joined the ranks of 'Mobile phone lost-ee'. In a muddled, hazy moment I found myself bereft of my singularly most important possession.And as all victims inevitably do, I'm suffering from 'post traumatic stress disorder'. Those agonizing moments of denial, acceptance..and oh, I forget the rest of the phases. I think this is one of those 'episodes' in your life that cause lasting damage to your psyche-leaves you 'scarred-for life' and surfaces in the confines of a therapists armchair at some point. Sigh!A moment of an all-too-brief insight tells me that the value of a mobile phone can be wholly felt ONLY once you've lost it.That too to some loser to whom the names in your address book mean nothing more than an extract out of an alphabetically arranged 'Name Book.' To someone who'll think nothing of ripping out the sweet little 'memory chip'(pun intended on the 'memory' bit) that has been faithfully pulsing life into your otherwise isolated life. It's amazing what a humbling experience it is to lose that pint-sized instrument. For example, you might as well be saying mental good-bye's to the poor souls who's identities you trusted to your phone book.A quick search in your age-old 'hand-written' diaries will reveal that you have no other living records of all those people.Makes you wish you kept one of those neat little floral diaries by the telephone and had neatly printed peoples name, addresses, phone numbers, and 'neighbours numbers in 'case of emergencies'. Well, this is an emergency and I have no hotline to call, no neighbours number for damage control. What worsens the heart-ache is the sight of the lonely charger, hanging on the wall in anticipation.You poor thing- sniff..never shall you experience the joys of...well, whatever the joy is you feel when you're plugged into the bottom of a cell phone! Well...he's gone now-my faithful 24/7 companion for life..whisked away by some shady, greasy haired, middle-man for underhand cell phone deals...may he lose his fingers for excessive sms-ing. Oh!Btw, I think the last phase of this predicament is 'venting out' and wishing the death of the perpetuator. I feel better now..but the faint strain of the 'Walk of Life' ring tone from the neghbour's window brings on the nostalgia...and my ear burns up with jealousy.

Current Mood: Angry
Current Music: Sweet Lullaby-Deep Forest
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