me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

Category: General


In the middle of the night I hear a soothing song of the breeze whispering to the leaves And the branches dancing along. Why are the elements so happy? when I'm so sad, so restless? I search for solace in the arms of sleep; (sigh) wasnt meant to be. Cruel and heartless! Its so dark...

Fly away ...

If I can stop one Heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one Life the Aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting Robin Unto his Nest again, I shall not live in vain. ---Emily Dickinson Was on my way home and noticed a small bird lying down. The watchman says it...

Monsoon revisited

Well, we all agree that the grey skies have strange effects on us Indians. But there is also the other side of the monsoon. Kinda like a combination of romance, gloom, hope(for all the farmers), running noses*sniff* *sniff* and other ailments, floods(in some parts of the country), damp clothes,...

Fountain of Youth

I think a majority of readers here, might not be too concerned bout this or maybe they are? This, like many of my other blogs, was inspired by some conversation. Reading conversations can be boring at times, so I shall make it as short as I possibly can. Blame it on my creativity-challenged...

passing thoughts triggered via email frwds

" I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within.  It is there all the time. "   -- Anna Freud " How odd the human race is - so alike and yet so different! We are capable of working together, build the Pyramids in Egypt,...

Abbas Ali

Well, the title might lead you believe I am gonna talk about some person called Mr Abbas Ali. I request you to be patient and hang on. English is such a weird, funny and eccentric language. The words, pronounciation, the history, influences from languages across the world play havoc on...

Change ...

.. is something everyone looks forward to. But then they say its the only thing that is constant in life. If its constantly happening why do we fail to notice it? Is it like a grain of sand in an hourglass, miniscule, insignificant and unperceivable? And over a period of time becomes stark...


Have you ever fely insanely happy? Insane because there seems no real reason to be happy. Does one need a reason to be happy? Guess not...of course not! Not sure if its the grey skies, the drizzle on your face or the lively green all around. Or even the cool breeze that flows right through...


Women have a raw deal dont they? Right from the time Eve consumed the forbidden fruit ... Over the last few decades, women have strived to come out, made their lives better. They have fought their battles, sometimes they won sometimes they havent. To me, the essence of emancipation lies...

Settling down ....

Been close to a month since we moved and have almost settled down now. Was fun tho .. having two to-do-lists everyday and a check list at the end of the day. Work has been pretty hectic off late not enough leisure to gather thoughts and pen them down. The most common cliched complaint one has...

Just like the real world it takes all kinds....

Suddenly the music stops and the lyrics refuse to flow. It happens even to the very best, I am told. This morning I took out a comma and this afternoon I put it back in again. -Oscar Wilde I dont have much to write home about today, and yes if you think I am spamming, well maybe I just...


When you get the gym into your routine and then somehow let it get out .. you feel sick! You wish you hadnt let go of such a groovy habit, knowing you will be stuck with pangs of super guilt whenever you feed those mean monsters who make your tummy their home and the taste buds their hunting...

Look forward to those days when

the total medals tally against India in the Olympics runs in double digits with at least one gold.[not really sure if i'm asking for too much] there would be no examinations. Of course many of us are past the age but I hope they discover a better way to assess students [with...

a moving experience

Always a difficult time when one decides to move. Shifting very stressful activity for a good number of reasons. One, you are apalled by your own skill in the art of accumulation. Its all the more frustrating to note the percentage of accumulated stuff that you actually put to use. Next time...

Jokes apart

This contains extracts from an article in the Hindu dated 16th June 2004. Scientists have researched and come up with some insane mathematical formula to measure the "laughability" of a joke which goes like this x = (f*l + n ^ o)/p where f = funniness in punchline l = length of...
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