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Category: Fantasy

Story ideas

Ariza | 18 July 2006, 9:53pm

My brain is baked by the movies that I see and I am convinced there are no good ones. So I have decided to invent some stories myself where I can express myself and philosophize freely to the detriment of others. I intend to sit down and discipline myself into developing these ideas into a novel. The following is then, how the blurbs of the published books will look.

Story Idea 1

After convincing himself that his childhood crush is his true love, Tedan Gilraihie begins to trace her on the World Wide Web by leaving her name as a comment on various blogs along with a bizarre message he is convinced only she could decipher. One such sojourn leads him to a site that maintains an impeccable record of everything he owns: seven pairs of everything. There are seven pairs of shoes he owns, shirts, pants, belts, computers, and whats more in a section called the basement there are seven pairs of everything that he ever owned. Tedan is horrified and decides to catch the culprits stalking him. He is convinced they enter his house each night to inventory his life. So he stays awake for seven nights inadvertently completing a process that admits him to a world named Lehl. Tedan finds seven versions of all the people he knows. Even seven versions of his childhood crush but he doesn't find himself. Find out why?

Mood: Bizarrly poetic.

Meat value: 6.75 (How much you can philosophize!)

Story Idea 2

The year is 2019 and the vision 2020 for Hyderabad is getting closer when suddenly the world runs out of petrol. Roads look bare and cycle factories close under the immense pressure of over work. The MCH is worried all this will spoil its VISION 2020 achievement party. People must be able to travel with their families, they decide and someone comes up with the idea of giving them a cycle-rickshaw each. The last known cycle rickshaw died out years earlier and no one has seen them since then. The art of making them has been forgotten. A desperate search is launched to find one rickshaw maker. Every other engineer is busy. There are whispers of an old rickshaw maker who lives in the obscurity of some chawl. They say he only makes them if you agree to carry a huge picture of superstar Krishna on the top. A spy is sent out in search

Current Mood: Bored
Current Music: M&M

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