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5 minutes

23 May, 2005 @ 5:35pm | General

Please decide and inform me in 5 minutes.Then the phone went dead.

I sat and pondered over the '5 minutes'. 5 minutes in which to consider everything, and give a definitive answer. not an unreasonable request.

The thing to do is as follows:

can be done in 5 minutes.

Instead what i do is :

phone rings.

hello? i say

well? he says

Sure. i say

good. he says

Making weighty decisions is hard work.Lifes journey is frought with decisions. Having come to the chasm and discovering no means to cross it for to ones chagrin some fool's burnt the bridge , one has no option but to leap. and midway into the leap is the wrong time to be debating ones decision.

Life is fun, unplanned, undebated, unhurried.

My old battle cry resounds in my ear " dekha jayega"


Current Mood: Irreverent
Current Music: Stigmata- OST
