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9 May 2004

Cosmic Issues

Posted by krits in General | 10:47am

What if, this is the only day that is yours, your only hour, your only second? What if tomorrow will be someone else’s and what if the moment you have right now will never occur tomorrow? And all those plans you faithfully listed down are but the ramblings of a non-existent person? What if tomorrow all traces of your existence are wiped off from the face of the earth? No one knows you anymore, and even though you’re a memory, you’re fading by a shade everyday? And finally a day would come when there is no proof that you ever were, that you ever smiled, you ever cried, you ever thought happy little thoughts, or you danced one day in the blinding rain? Time seems to be a convenient conceptualization that has spiraled into a vicious whirlpool for all humanity. If we had no real concept of time, would we ever think of yesterday, or tomorrow, or ever make a ‘time table’ to rule our lives? Observing your pet dog for a day would probably give you a glimpse of what it’s like not to have ‘time’ rule your existence. For example, do you think your pet dog (as a representation of the non-human species ) ever frets over where it’s next meal is coming from? Or do you think it ever wonders how to make up with you after its bad behavior yesterday? Or what it will do with its life in the future? We seem to be caught in a time wrap. It’s only obvious from the millions of ads you see in the papers these days – calling out to you to take up meditation, and ‘live in the present’. The first reality that meditation confronts you with is that 99% of our problems are created because of living in the past, or the future. Time seems to be a convenient intellectualization that was created so that we could find our bearings in the cosmos; so that the inconsistency of life did not overwhelm the average human. So that it made sense that there was rhythm, harmony and decisiveness- a goal to the phenomenon called life. Think about it, if you had no concept of time, your existence would be akin to that of an animal, perhaps. Your actions/motivations driven by pure instinct, and your ultimate goal to appease the tension arising thereof. Well, that’s a heavy load to digest, even for me! Like they say, time to go, I guess!

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: My way

4 Comments | "Cosmic Issues" »

  1. By Sanyacid

    9 May 2004, 11:47am [ Reply ]

    nice. now how bout some paragraph breaks? for readability !!!

  2. By JLU

    9 May 2004, 1:04pm [ Reply ]

    Another good post :) 'Sanyacid' has a valid point too. I thought this tip might help: insert '< br /> < br />' (without the spaces, of course) to get the paragraph breaks where you want.

    See? I inserted a paragraph break in my comment? :)

  3. By fullhyd.com

    10 May 2004, 10:13am [ Reply ]

    Pleeeeeze! This is an insult to our technical competence :)! You don't need to do all that - just hit enter the way you do in any text document, and it'll work. JLU, your comment would also have worked without the artificial tag insertion. Just trust completely in us and offer the fruit of all your actions to us :).

  4. By krits

    10 May 2004, 1:08pm [ Reply ]

    How bout if people try and comment on the actual content of my blog, and not dissect it for tehnical perfection!!'Techies', I tell u...!!

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