She waited at the door,
     all morn and night,
     hopin tht soon she wud see light,
     she waited at the door,
     and gazed into the darkness,
     she waited ...for her sailor to come by.

     Seasons changed,but at the door she stayed,
     " Oh sailor,of the oceans far far away,
      u told me you had to leave ,
       only to told me
      in my arms is where you belong.,
      you told me tht our life would be one happy song."

       Nothing could stop her,
      "one day he will come by,
       for he is my knight of the seas,
      i let him go ,
      for i loved him,
      hes livin his dream,
       and im weavin mine...."

     " why ?" , they asked her wen she was all old and grey,
     "he didnt belong here, the waters were his home,
     he couldnt love you,for he was a slave of the winds...
     then why ,why did you stop living....
     look around you ,look at what u r missing!"
      with a smile tht said everythin but none,
      she replied  "The waters are his home,
      this threshold is mine ,
      he goes where the winds take him,
      and  one day they will bring him here"

     " this is my purpose,
       this wait is my life,
       this is not sorrow,
       not even pain,
       my sailor sent me a life,
       from so far far away"

Current Mood: Mooney
Current Music: annies song