me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

Right on track... (not really)

allsmiles | 23 November, 2004 05:26

Guess what! Am proud owner of a 4 wheeler driving license and I spent the whole of last Saturday getting it.

It all started when I enrolled for driving lessons. Have commuted only by autos all my life. So my traffic sense was practically zilch. Took me a while to get hold of the basics, and I wasnt bad...Finally I guess its all about head hand eye feet coordination and then practice on the streets. Once would need to get the feel of the vehicle, know which gear and blah blah. Wont get into all that machinery and their oily details.

For getting the license one has to take the test on the track in some far off place. You have the the first one shaped like an '8' the second one like a 'H' and the third on would be a 5 point turn. You are not supposed to hit any yellow/white painted granite block barriers or venture out into the grass failing which you would be fined at least Rs 200 for the damages. For the 'H' and the 5-point tracks you are supposed to use the reverse gears.


I am not so sure why my driving instructor kept me waiting for ages ... and in the end I got a shortened test. I just need to to do the 8 and got back for an additional amount? Was miffed coz I dont like bypassing stuff. I would like the license if and only if I got thru the test. But the arrangement was sealed and I was pretty upset. These kinda shady deals happen only in the later half of the working days and I had to spend the first half fidgeting on the chair, watching all the other folks taking their tests ...watching a dull test match, hoped I got along some reading material ...

The instructor tells me there were times when people who get license without even showing up ...It wasnt a solace really.  There is something so fundamentally wrong with the establishment and the rest and had me wondering how it can be removed from the roots? Is it too late? Will it ever happen? Will it actually happen?

Reminds me of a time when I was a 8-9 yr old and saw so much dissaray on the roads for the first time and asked my father:
Me: Dad why dont police put all people who do not obey the law(traffic) in jail?
Dad: Because there wouldnt be enough place in the jails.
Me: Why dont they fine all the people who break the law?
Dad: Because people do not have that much money.



[No Subject]

The Crackednut | 23/11/2004, 15:20

Guess its just me... The last time i went to the RTA, i landed up losing my cell-phone. Haven't gone back since.


[No Subject]

Yoshi Fuzakeru | 27/11/2004, 11:42

You heave and throb in my hands

I feel your strength as we dance in tandem

I am now licensed to drive you, Oh Internal Combustion Engine.

[No Subject]

dr | 30/11/2004, 17:39

that was really good.
Yoshi- you are from Haphazard Haiku right??

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