me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

Dog Days

allsmiles | 10 May, 2004 10:46

Life is a bitch said a co-blogger.. but for a teeny meeny eon a bitch was actually my best friend and my life so to speak. This is how it all started.

A coupla years(3 maybe) back, I came back all weary n tired from work and plonked myself on my fav couch in front of the idiot box, waiting for it to numb my senses. Seeing a small paw stickin from behind the TV table I shouted " maa, a cat sneaked into our house". A knowing smile was all I got in response. Time to check out myself ... I went there only to find this cute lil white pom playing with the wall.

Happens to be a b'day(in advance) gift from my good samaritan aunt! Oh these samaritan lot can bury a whole lot of population under the weight of their good intentions :). This time though it landed me in a catch 2 2 land. I for one prefer BIG dogs not ferocious but Big and the less hairier the better....G Retrievers, Labs, GSDs, Cocker Spaniels even a Dalmatian would do but a POM.... I wasnt exactly leaping with joy! POM= PAIN+PESK+a whole lot of PAMPERING(I still maintain it)

But then a 40 day pup has a way of winning your heart, and being a person who instinctively liked dogs, we let it stay , so what if it was a POM!

I guess I was to brace myself for all that was to follow ...a month long house-training sessions (man you need patience), getting a hang of its food habits, morning walks, teaching it all your pet tricks , gathering all first hand tips from all pet owners in our contact list, looking for a good vet but the best part was observing all her unique persoanlity traits and imposing yours on her.

This dear lil thing had given me a few good mental snapshots...and here is a shortened list
She went ballistic when she saw lightning for the first ever time.
She actually tried to follow the fumes of an agarbatti :)
When I purchased a cellphone and she heard the ring tone her face first went to right at 45 deg and then to the left at 30 deg. Sniffed it to check if there was any life in it.
Next she would run at maddening speed to any person who had a cell phone and a similar sounding ring tone! Only to be disappointed that I wasnt around! (mom told me)
She just loouuuved boiled alooo, you would venture into our house with a samosa at your own risk :)

When she grew old enough we decided that we should have lil pups at home tooo...So the grooom hunt began and finally... after a weekend getaway at a kennel and two months we had 5 pups..2 splendid looking guys and 3 hyperactive ladies.

They were so adorable ..... they grew up on cerelac and could smell it from miles away. Though they couldnt see for the first coupla weeks the moment they sensed their bowl moving they would rush like school kids running outa school when the day was over. I would keep them in a huge TV carton just to see that they were always in one place and werent upto any mischief. We decided to give them to friends and family members. The first time an Uncle took 2 pups away. The mother ran to the carton and as if she knew counting or math she realised there were some missing, she searched high and low and finally settled down in front of the main door looking and hoping.

About 6 months back we had to move and ...we had to find her a new home. Most of our friends had taken the pups so we had no choice but to leave her in a kennel. She somehow didnt sense that we might be leaving her there for good. It was very sad ...took a while to get over it. The pangs of guilt still come back at times. The place she used to rest, her fav corner under my bed, her fav dog food flavour at the supermarket, her bowl, her bow-wow when there was a visitor at the main gate and how it got louder when they rang the door bell.....!

I wonder if she would forget us.....I hope not!
I wonder if she would forgive us....I hope she would!

The Cast
Lead Actress :   bubbly
Supporting Actress: dessert_rose
Splendid lad 1:  
Splendid lad 2:  
Hyperactive lass 1: 
Hyperactive lass 2: blossom
Hyperactive lass 3: jasmine

PS: I go through this everytime I watch the Raymond ad ..... and this time I thought it only fair that even you should tooo ....



[No Subject]

The Rainmaker | 10/05/2004, 11:46

hey.. thats a well written blog.
wish you didnt have to "desert" your Pom though.

[No Subject]

dessert rose | 10/05/2004, 17:49

Thank you.

I wish too, that prolly is the saddest part. Cant bear to let it go or see it die!

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