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Planet B or C?

28 Jan, 2005 @ 7:36pm | General

There are 3 planets. Planet A, Planet B and Planet C

All living beings originate in planet A where each is given a single seater rocketship and a fixed quantity of fuel calculated to last an average lifetime. Each inhabitant has to fire his rocket and proceed to either B or C.

Planet B is huge, its near and looks attractive. The condition is that as soon as you arrive at B you have to exchange your spaceship for a two seater terrestrial vehicle- with passage of time and per requirement and merit you are given additional back space.

You do not get the rocketship back normally...however in case u insist very forcefully you can get a rocketship but depending of the time you have spent on B you have to undergo appropriate trials of hell and agonies of the heart to get it.

Now B is a huge planet and its gravitational forces are very high...its tough to leave and uses lots of fuel. everytime u come back..the entire process is repeated.

Planet C is very far away. The journey is tough, tedious and requires tremendous concentration. A rocketship in space requires constant monitoring and correction of course or B's gravitational pull will change its course towards itself. You cant lower your guards for long periods and you have to constantly watch yourself.

Planet C offers the same as B except for one big get to keep your rocketship. Since its a small planet you are free to go anywhere u like.. HOWEVER.. you cannot invite anyone aboard. If u do, you are immediately placed in a space worm with your invitee and hyperblasted to B.

where would u go?



My rockets fired, its engines purring,

Its raring to go but my heads blurring

Terrestrial twin seat buggy or single seat space rocketship

Solitary freedom or chained companionship

One question's flashing on my console..QUO VADIS?

Current Mood: Thoughtful
Current Music: Rocketman


[No Subject] | Posted by blip

I'ld go for B.. why go thru this alone?

@ 8:36pm, 28 Jan 2005

[No Subject] | Posted by blip

I'ld go for B.. why go thru this alone?

@ 8:36pm, 28 Jan 2005

[No Subject] | Posted by krits

and someone asked ME if i was obsessing about marriage!!

@ 3:29pm, 30 Jan 2005

[No Subject] | Posted by george

It is your incessant reflections on your marriage that divert my otherwise peaceful and happy mind into this tedious topic.
as usual its all your fault... :)

@ 8:39pm, 30 Jan 2005

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