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Someone tell me...

Neurotron | 14 May 2004, 3:44pm

SOmeone tell me how the fuck to change paragraphs. Or even start a new line, for frig's sake. It's coming out as one big para now. And you can't see jack on some templates...tho' the background is good and desirable... Fastly, please.

Current Mood: Angry
Current Music: Rammstein

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  1. 1. By Aran  |  14 May 2004, 4:44pm

    Tried the key marked 'enter'? It has got an arrow on it. Ppointing down and to the left.

    Juss tryin to help.

  2. 2. By Neurotron  |  14 May 2004, 5:50pm

    ha ha..v funny. Feel free to offer any genuine, useful help. man.

  3. 3. By JLU  |  14 May 2004, 7:31pm

    Neuro, FH will kill me for doing this, so at the risk of my life i'm giving you this advise: wherever you want a paragraph break insert < br >< br > (without the spaces, as a continous string) *awaits death, but with a sense of accomplishment*

  4. 4. By  |  14 May 2004, 8:06pm

    No JLU, we'll just wail randomly :). Neurotron, have you tried the key marked 'enter'? It has got an arrow on it. Pointing down and to the left (all plagiarized text is copyright of the respective owners).

    See, we just did it!

  5. 5. By MLS  |  14 May 2004, 8:51pm

    Most posts on this blog seem like SOSs or distress calls! Surely you must have more to write home or wail about!

  6. 6. By krits  |  14 May 2004, 9:14pm

    Ok..I'm sure you've tried all the 'enter's etc. in the world, just go to where u want the breaks and type < br > without the spaces. I speak from blogs of experience, right fullhyd??!

  7. 7. By JLU  |  15 May 2004, 1:20pm

    Krits n others, a double break ( < br >< br >) would give u the 'real thing'. It's like hitting 'Enter' key twice, which is what we would do when we want to start a new paragraph. Life is easy to comprehend, actually ;)

  8. 8. By Neurotron  |  17 May 2004, 11:11am

    bloody 'ell, why is it so complicated? That key with the down arrow is there for a friggin purpose ya know...and am I being served??
    MLS: wait for the wailin''s a-comin'!

  9. 9. By Neurotron  |  17 May 2004, 11:13am

    thanks krits and JLU - will try on the next post.
    But, seriously, fh, is a simple 'enter' supposed to work? If it is, well, it aint!

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