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22 Mar 2005

My Little Sister

Posted by Oblivion in General | 9:53pm

I held her hand firm as we approached the school gate
She is precious to me, but I had to let her go
As she hastened her tread, she turned to bid adieu
My hand still lay open as we looked at each other
Tender tears no more flowed on her baby cheeks
Instead, a cherubic smile adorned her innocent face
With a glimmer of delight she waved me goodbye
Joy of heaven was mine as I looked at my precious one
But, alas! I let her go alone into the ruthless world
And that was why mine were also the pangs of pain
World mocked at me and reminded she is no more a baby
Frozen memories of fourteen years melted by recollection
Grown-up is she for the world, but little she still is for me
Little was she when I held her with care in my arms
When she ran in the sand with abandon, she was little
She was little too when fairy tales were the world to her
Little also was she when cute plaits danced on her shoulders
When she learnt her first rhyme and shared her delight
When, after the day's play, she slept to my lullabies
Little she was when, in pain, she looked at me for a hug
My precious one was little when she believed all my stories
Little was she when her world crumbled on the first day at school
Little is she now as she walks away from me for school
And little shall she be to me however many years may pass
Yes, my little sister shall always be the precious little one to me

Current Mood: Happy
Current Music: ---

2 Comments | "My Little Sister" »

  1. By Vj

    23 Mar 2005, 10:39am [ Reply ]

    looking at it the other way, your brother is lucky. may your tribe increase :)

  2. By dawn

    22 Mar 2005, 11:33pm [ Reply ]

    this reminds me of my brother.. n so much i miss him :(

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