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A Procrastinators Official Guide of "Being Effective While Being Lazy"

Stand-Alone Dreamer | 3 May 2005, 2:37am

It's about this time of year that people start to get worn down and stressed out because its hot and getting hotter. I believe one reason for the annual stress 'epidemic', other than not knowing which tree to plant for Gandhi Jayanthi, is that people try to do to much. People don't know how to take it easy and drift along anymore. Everywhere I look; I see people on the verge of a nervous breakdown, some reason ot the other

Current Mood: Preachy
Current Music: zzzzz.......

Posted in Personal | Next | Previous | Comments (8) | Trackbacks (0)


  1. 1. By chotacyrus  |  3 May 2005, 5:29am

    Dood,you write so well!keep posting!!

  2. 2. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  3 May 2005, 11:19am

    :) Thanks!

  3. 3. By jeez  |  3 May 2005, 7:13pm

    LOL..I am actually reading this stuff on the bed with the laptop on the stomach..

  4. 4. By Aran  |  4 May 2005, 2:11am

    Hmm... are you the same person who started writing this blog?

  5. 5. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  4 May 2005, 1:31pm

    You got me thinking on that!

    I'm actually surprised to see my posts reflect stuff that they were not supposed to! As one friend says "That's words. That's writing. That's us!"

    Anyways I've already got the "Practice what you Preach" syndrome out of my back!

  6. 6. By san  |  9 May 2005, 11:06pm

    Good one. I practise the 1st one, it works ;-)

    ps: ofcourse dragon's speak, dumbo!
    pps: and they r cheeky too :)

  7. 7. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  10 May 2005, 11:40am

    Going on a date thing!??! Oh yeah..That really does work huh! :)

    Now that I know abt dragons who speak I'm a lil perplexed at 'cheeky' dragons!

    But then again they say, by no stretch of imagination I can be counted in the 'wise' category! So...

  8. 8. By chad c  |  29 May 2005, 1:52am

    Why are you using my articles in your blog?

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