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A futile attempt at sensitivity

Stand-Alone Dreamer | 20 May 2005, 8:29pm

About three years ago, I lost a friend in an accident. Well, I wasn't the only one who lost him. A whole bunch of living people lost him, including his other friends and family. He was easily the funniest human being I ever met, and the thing is, he never really knew it. I guess people all over the world loved to hang out with him; many cops let him slide without tickets; girls let him into their lives (and pants) quicker than even he could believe. He was just, for lack of a better term, lively. He was the kind of guy who, upon his arrival at a party, could lift the mood of a room full of people. When he entered a room, you could just feel the "Cool, Sid's here" vibe throughout the party. He was that much fun.
Anyway, he's dead.

The other day, I had dinner with his mother, a woman who had genetically handed-off to Sid his smile and wit. She's always been a great lady, always pushing me with my writing and comedy and telling me (unlike my family and friends) not to waste my time with a career but to have fun spreading (what she considers to be) my "gift" throughout the world. After we finished our dessert, she removed an almost shredded piece of folded paper from her bag and gave it to me. I read it at the table and I damn near cried. Then I read it again and I laughed my ass off. It was a note written to me (that I never received) back when Sid and I used to share a room together.

Anyway, without any further ado...I'll try to get Sid's letter up in here.

Dear Abi-


Current Mood: Sad
Current Music: Complicated - Avril Lavigne

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  1. 1. By some ho likes your style  |  21 May 2005, 12:43pm

    Amazing narration...Are you for real?

  2. 2. By :-)  |  21 May 2005, 12:45pm

    cool post dude. you should post more often though!

  3. 3. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  21 May 2005, 12:46pm



  4. 4. By Aran  |  22 May 2005, 7:28pm

    Ahhh... good to have you back. :)

  5. 5. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  23 May 2005, 12:32am

    Gud to have u back in here!

    Guess we both went 'fishing':)

  6. 6. By vidhu  |  23 May 2005, 8:56pm

    your writing is awesome!and you SHUD most more often.

  7. 7. By dragon  |  25 May 2005, 3:02am

    Sorry about your loss

  8. 8. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  25 May 2005, 12:24pm

    Thanks 4 the nice words!

  9. 9. Re: A futile attempt at sensitivity
    By ptingi...  |  27 Sep 2010, 5:12pm

    very few ppl can put in their sadness into words in a manner dat bring smiles to others...

    U sing it for urself dear..."dikhna bi nahi aataa..chupana bhi nahi aataa..."

    love the way u mould those sentiments n make it so light n easy...

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