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22 May 2005


Posted by krits in General | 5:58pm

The Joan of Arc-type woman looked defiantly at the bridge, lit the torch and set the structure ablaze.The flames curled beautifully around the pillars, sparks swirled around with the evening air, the smoke stung her already-wet eyes.

Another bridge burnt to ashes.

They made interesting patterns in the water, the remnants...they flowed with a purpose around the ripples, got caught in the eddies here and there, but finally did manage to move on.

No one had found her out just yet. About being the bridge-burner, that is.She usually did it when everyone least expected it. One moment she would be crossing the path, as it was her routine, the next she would be compelled to see it reduced to nothingness - as if to wipe out every memory of its existence.

She had often wondered about the wierdness of it all. Why would you want to annihilate something that had become such an indispensible part of your life, something that let you look into the depths for as long as you wanted, and never once questioned you?
You would spend hours on its back, pace up and down, or simply sit with your legs dangling over the edge and hear the crickets song in the evenings.

She had once tried keeping track of the number of times she had let this obsession take over her. But now, it seemed futile; there were simply too many...too too many...

She then set off in another direction - to find another stream to cross, another brigdge to discover, or build.

And as much as it excited her, it came with a forewarning that not too far into the future, she would have the smoke in her eyes once again.



Current Mood: Destructive
Current Music: eternal flame

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