After quitting one of the first things I did was to go visit my grandparents! I know for a fact that it will be more than 2 years before I get to see them again. I actually wanted to see all my aunts and cousins, but then time did not really permit.
Anyway, although the journey in itself was uneventful, apart from the fact that there were two women squabbling about the fact that they were seated next to men. None of them wanted to budge from their seat!! It's been ages since I have seen senseless arrogance and that too in adults! I guess I have grown up, the world hasn't! Finally one of the women did shift, seating next to a woman on an overnight journey seemed better than hanging on to her dumb ego!
My stay at my grandparents, although shortlived was quite eventful. My youngest aunt came down to see me cuz I asked her to. It is good to know that people do take a step for u. :D I have always enjoyed spending time with her. She is definitely the most lively of the lot, although childish at several instances. I guess that is her charm. Her kids came down too.. As I was the most accomplished among everyone present, it seemed to me that I had to lead these youngsters and tell them stories of work and how things are in general... It is essential to create a dream for a child, it is essential to nurture that dream and let them strive to achieve it. I guess I was in the process of doing just that. Perhaps it came out a bit as giving a lecture, but then why let go of such an opportunity! :D I guess reaffirming your beliefs and telling them to others is definitely amazing!
It always feels great when you are valued and respected! Especially by family.
Two years I am off, hopefully the little gyan I gave will be of some use! :D

Current Mood: Cheerful
Current Music: sweet home alabama