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Johnny | 20 October 2005, 1:16am

Confused, says she.
So am I.
So Why the Glee?
Thats how life is high.

Time, is what it needs.
Well more than that, it is the patience.
Till then pluck the weeds.
Dont worry about the future Tense.

People say things.
They want the bell Rings.
No, it isnt them who are bound.
So, why do they try to be profound.

Heart, it is weird.
Shelving the butter smeared.
Mind is the object Sane.
It takes the former with a Cane.

Current Mood: Dumb
Current Music: GOD

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  1. 1. By veni  |  1 Nov 2005, 11:22pm

    well understood....but it is true that mind takes over the heart and that too pretty harshly when things seem hard

  2. 2. By Johnny  |  2 Nov 2005, 9:54am

    Hey veni.:) thanks ton for understanding... Yeah but the whole thing was wrong, which was rectified by the mind, that too very soon...

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