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Johnny | 3 November 2005, 2:05pm

I exist in this world to serve the mere, irrelevant , petty purpose of existence. I dont know why others exist but, in the limited capacity of my cerebral organs that have been conditioned in this whole so called society, vows to believe in the fact that there isnt any other purpose whatsoever for whomsoever.

If at all I am proved wrong then it has to be the fault of the society, cuz it has moulded the instincts, to become intelligence. It had crushed the emotions and grinded them to become pleasures. It has engulfed the whole unlimited space of madness to form a limited space of coherent thought. The thought which deceives its ownself.

I am not here to question anything. I assure that everytime I am recruited to this mechanical madness called world, I will abide by its order, and the dumbness profound of its inhabitants. I myself will also try to rise to the high standards of the madness, from the moment I am recruited without my knowledge.

I have the previous track record of existing 999 lives and my aim of existing 1000 worthless lives would be met with this brith. I shall strive hard not to think about the philosophical angle of life. I will earn lots of money, spend even more, on Materialistic things including Women. I swear to not show any emotions ever again.
Oh God let me die and be born again.

Current Mood: Irreverent
Current Music: Smack my Bitch up..

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  1. 1. By Nabzz  |  5 Nov 2005, 10:18am

    eternal sunshine of the numbed mind :|

  2. 2. By ке  |  19 Feb 2006, 8:52am

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