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Weapons of persuasion

Lifeaholic | 9 November 2005, 1:16pm

The presence of a time-bomb on board the Silicons' ship was discovered only after the launch by the Normal Brains. They were horrified by that they had played a part in and did the only thing they could. They nagged the Mutants. When that did not work (Also look out for the future Chapter - Rediscovery of nagging as an art form - How a failed persuasion method works wonders on Men) they did the next best thing - which was eminently effective in launching the second great expedition for SOS (Save our Silicons). The methods used were in the form of subtle suggestions at the dominant insecurity component of the Mutant Brain, and the second expedition came to be known in common terms as "The Guilt Trip".

So, the second expedition was nearly an hour behind the first. Could they reach them in time? Could the Silicons be saved from the untimely explosion that awaited them??

Current Mood: Irreverent
Current Music: Still the loudest A/C in the world

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  1. 1. By Twigrl  |  9 Nov 2005, 10:42pm

    Okkkkkkk! I am a big time feminist!....and frankly you talk...specially in your second post is ....#@%$

  2. 2. By lifeaholic  |  10 Nov 2005, 9:43am

    Wait and watch twigrl...wait and watch. The feminist in you will enjoy what will come in future posts

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