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18 Nov 2005

We, The People

Posted by Oblivion in General | 7:47pm

When it involves screwing others, people remember and adhere to rules more strictly. The defining lines of evil/bad/wrong become very clear when one is on the judging position. The lawyer, the policeman, the TV reporter, the journalist, the old man reading the newsmagazine, the chap watching the newscast on the TV set,... everybody siezes the opportunity to become Lord Krishna. Persecution mania is so deeply rooted in human psyche. Homo sapiens is a mistake.

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6 Comments | "We, The People" »

  1. By Twigrl

    22 Nov 2005, 10:52pm [ Reply ]

    Ok Vj! i think you missed my point. If people take persecution as "OK" thing then ofcourse its embided in the minds of humans. The Source of this barbarism is our systems because those systems are place we go to as children to develop our psychological state which includes judgement of right and wrong...I think if we make external changes our inner point of view will change to...think about it...sometimes what we are internally is a reflection of what we see in our external world. Yes, people like Ghandi tried to change and i think they have changed this world a bit, they left a legacy for other courages to follow...so, they contribution of changing the system is valued who know may be when we dead for thousands years Ghandi's values may change the systems(by the way naming Bush in the same sentence as Ghandi, the an insult to the father of india ghandi ji)

    ofcourse we are self centered, selfish and all that...but we are not sorry for our species, i am more than happy that humans exist and i wish they contiue to exist for thousands and thousands of years.

    P.S. please overlook my writing flaws.

  2. By vijay

    22 Nov 2005, 1:28pm [ Reply ]

    pj, when did you become so adept at using 'subtext'!!

  3. By PJ

    21 Nov 2005, 1:03pm [ Reply ]

    Although I do agree with your view, I still sympathise with "homo sapiens" because often, even the most sanest of men turn out to be hypocrites. People who would in the normal course of action never judge someone consciously, they do eventually become judgemental and take the onus of deciding the reward/punishment another person deserves. I doubt if people who comitt such an act can ever determine that have indulged in such an act, simply because they did it as a subconscious act.

  4. By Vj

    19 Nov 2005, 11:15am [ Reply ]

    Also, we tend to think too much about ourselves. All our comprehension of the universe is anthropocentric. We are very self-centred. And having a high opinion about ourselves, we don't like to admit we are a sorry species. But, come on, let's be objective and honest, at least for once!

  5. By Vj

    19 Nov 2005, 11:10am [ Reply ]

    @Twigrl: Man had been doing this very mistake for millennia - trying to change society, laws, systems, etc. If one looks at it more deeply, all te laws, systems, etc that are in place didn't come from thin air... they came from human psyche. Trying to change external things is being lazy. It's an easy way out. One shifts responsibility on external things and accepts barbarism as inevitable!

    Many people tried changing systems and rules. Gandhi tried, Hitler tried, Stalin tried, Mussolini tried, Laloo is trying, Bush is trying... are we any better?

    The solution doesn't lie anywhere outside. It's all in the psyche. If one is intelligent and sane, he will go the Buddha way - psychologically walking out of all this shit. All the rest can rest content with easy and meaningless explanations, analysis and rationalization.

  6. By Twigrl

    19 Nov 2005, 12:30am [ Reply ]

    NO! Homo Sapiens can never be a mistake! If persecution is instilled in our psyche...that is cuz we were mentally prepared for it or exposed to it as an "OK" thing to do for the wrong that was comitted by people. our society, laws and educationaly systems is a mistake that should be changed.

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