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This and That

Johnny | 22 December 2005, 11:50am

A quest, is often defined as, "A search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria"

Why does anyone seek an alternative? They never are content with their present form? Are they trying to comprehend something which does'nt seem logical to their perception and learning and reasoning?

A quest for knowledge, a quest for money, a quest for partner, a quest for peace, a quest for LIFE.

G: Hey, You got a life?
S: Hmmm What do you mean?
G: I mean are you really happy in life?
S: Yes, ofcourse. I got a great job. I have a loving wife, I have two lovely kids, and we live in the nice bunglow by the sea side.
G: Do you have peace of mind?
S: Well, I work hard all day, so I guess I rarely get time to relax. We go for dinner all of us on a sunday night though, if I am not on a tour.
G: Oh ok. That great. So how much of the money you earn do you actually spend for urself?
S: hmmm... about 5% of it.
G: The rest?
S: It is there in the bank and some mutual funds. I also have 3 more apartments for myself.
G: Oh okie. How healthy are you?
S: Pretty good. I take BP tablets one a day. Take insulin injection every night. I also take slimming tablets along with my regular heart care supplements.
S: #$##%#

.... and it never ends..... who can make a moorkh realise the truth?

Current Mood: Preachy
Current Music: d

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  1. 1. By KoMaL kAnTh  |  22 Dec 2005, 10:51pm

    Yup ! U right. No one can ! I'm kind of gettin mixed mssgs and I'm too confused to comment much. Good post though..,

  2. 2. By harshie  |  24 Dec 2005, 12:10pm

    looks like you got some interesting stuff to write this one's making me mull about my LIFE..nice post!!!
    Keep 'em coming...

  3. 3. By Sahithi  |  26 Dec 2005, 11:03am

    well hun, a quest is always in ur life regradless of will. no one is ever perfect and perfection is what we seek! and to seek what we want, we need to make a journey called the "quest of *****.."

    quest is the only way...

    refer to hinduism priciples for the quest of life :p

  4. 4. By johnny  |  31 Dec 2005, 10:27am

    Thanks "on". Dont be a scary ass now, let out your true identity dude... :P

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