Museman has suprisingly been busy for the last ten days or so.:-( .I just wanted  to post the opening paragraph of a fiction piece that i have been itching to pen. Should come out in a weeks time or so.

What kind of a guy was I? Hmm...I am the kind of a guy who would go unnoticed in a crowd of two. And what kind of a girl was she? Well....if she was in  a crowd of thousand, the crowd would go unnoticed. And i am not exagerrating. You will concur if you see her. Did I stand a chance? The odds are against me I will have to admit...

Tailpiece: If you are calorie conscious, don't even step foot in Chennai. Its a south indian foodies paradise. God bless Saravana Bhavan. Amen.And yes, museman is currently in chennai. :-)


Current Mood: Happy
Current Music: none