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2 Mar 2007

Statesman and His Curse

Posted by Oblivion in General | 11:22pm

Winston Churchill, while opposing the bill to grant independence to India introduced by Clement Atlee in the British House of Commons: "Not a bottle of water or a loaf of bread shall escape taxation; only the air will be free..."

- (Courtesy, M)

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2 Comments | "Statesman and His Curse" »

  1. By Jaideep

    16 Apr 2008, 3:31pm [ Reply ]

    Its just true what Churchill said. A man with true vision of how things will shape up after six decades.Its the policies, lack of will to protect the common man's interest,and super Indian National FIBER that is actually responsible for todays inflation. Is Mr Atlee turning in his grave.

  2. By Jaideep

    16 Apr 2008, 3:27pm [ Reply ]

    Its just true what Churchill said. A man with true vision of how things will shape up after six decades.Its the policies, lack of will to protect the common man's interest,and super Indian National FIBER that is actually responsible for todays inflation. Is Mr Atlee turning in his grave.

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