me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

Weirdos Magnet

allsmiles | 07 June, 2004 10:57

Ever wondered how many weirdos are there in the whole wide world? or the world wide web ? Say you have n weirdos in ther real world and all of them have internet access, how many of them will take their weirdness to the realms of cyberworld as well ? The point is would an average real world weirdo still be a weirdo online? And a more frustrating possibility of vice versa.. I mean how many average nice guys would morph into obsessive compulsive weirdos once they log into chatrooms. Thats the power of anonymity (and weirdness, else why would I be discussing this) to you!

You also have another breed of people who only seem to attract weirdos, be it a restaurant, a movie theatre, a train ...anywhere and you just have jerks flockin them. In case you are wondering, I'm talking about yours truly. Only recently I had my inbox flooded with messages from a few semi-acquaintances. I mean they had no real reason to message. Agreed there wasnt any malice and all but it just wasnt warranted for. Plain weird. And quite frankly there was no compunction whatsoever in giving them a cold shoulder!!

Trust me the real life weirdos are the ones you need to handle with greater skill and tact. There was a recent episode with one such and that shall be the content of my next post ....till then...



[No Subject]

Aran | 07/06/2004, 11:57

Waiting... :D

[No Subject]

ar | 07/06/2004, 14:28

i think she's gonna spill the beans...... my lady it was just a case of mistaken identity on my part... i thought you were someone i had just imagined two seconds before meeting you and hence my behaviour... *looks around to see if the police has arrived...... still looking...*

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