me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

Whats in an online name?

allsmiles | 15 June, 2004 15:30

Read a blog about names the other day. And yes some names you come across in real life are pretty funny and weird. Like at a bank I heard the teller calling out "Ben Hur" .. and then "Amoeba" for a famous bowling alley (in B'lore). I know its a popular hangout and all but Amoeba ??? Maybe the guy who runs the place didnt like paramaecium that much!!

Lets face it do not have much choice with your own name. Someone else does all the choosing and like it or not you just have to live with it. Even if they chose a good name it could be runied by their artistic handwriting.

Thanks to the internet and chat rooms DBs etc, one does have the privilege of letting people know how he/she would like to be known. Some people dont give a damn and put the first word that comes to their mind and others try to get hold this highly creative and catchy name and carefully architect and build their web-persona.

Its surprising what people read into them at times, when its only an innocent attempt to associate oneself with something they really like. Take my own nick for instance: "dessert rose". A good friend tells me it sounds a little bit "chilly" and "aloof"! This friend also lists out traits that could be associated with dessert (frosty, cold, aloof, endearing, anticipated) and rose(soft, lovely, deceitful). I never imagined a name could be torn into so many pieces in so many different ways.

So, whats in an online name? Any other rose and I guess it would still mean the same!! Due apologies to the Bard of Avon.




[No Subject]

Aran | 15/06/2004, 16:30

I've had people think Aran is a guy. You've got it easier. :D

Desert rose, to me, is good. Beauty in a place which is characterised by dryness and monotony. Of course I might be biased... I have a certain attachment to the desert. :)

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Neurotron | 15/06/2004, 17:46

A Desert Rose...dreams of rain, dreams of gardens in the desert sand...
dreams of love as time runs through her hand...

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hadavidi | 17/06/2004, 06:23

Aran.........the name is Dessert_rose and not desert rose :) so any biases u have towards deserts shud prolly end there. :P

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Aran | 17/06/2004, 13:30

I have even more attachment to desserts... eclairs from King n Cardinals... that sinful thing at coffee day... sigggghhhhhhh...

Did you HAVE to remind me?

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Aran | 17/06/2004, 13:32

btw, just curious, did she mean it to be dessert rose, as in sweet rose, or misspelled desert? And I've been seeing one 's' till now... I need to get my eyes checked. :|

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hadavidi | 18/06/2004, 13:56

I guess the play of words on her name in the blog suggests that she intended it to be deSSert and not deSert :) BTW, have you heard of calories?? couldn't help wondering when you refer to all the sinful things :P

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