me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

a moving experience

allsmiles | 17 June, 2004 19:36

Always a difficult time when one decides to move. Shifting very stressful activity for a good number of reasons.

One, you are apalled by your own skill in the art of accumulation. Its all the more frustrating to note the percentage of accumulated stuff that you actually put to use. Next time I go shopping I will surely remember to pinch myself. You see tons and tons of cartons around you and wonder how the hell the nomads lived? No TV no refrigerator, no washing machine , no light bulbs! Besides there are other things you dont really need but cannot throw away for the sheer sentimental value. Its even frustrating when its one of the bigger and most space occupying part of the baggage. Like some piano.. ~sigh~

There is also this heaviness of leaving the place behind you. Staying for a while you tend to get attched to the surrounding, the neighbours tiny tots who plant a few pecks in the hope of some toffeee or chewing gum, the trees and even the road that leads you there. You develop a kind of familiarity (that doesnt breed any contempt whatsoever). You know used to feel at home and now home is going to be elsewhere and the the memory of this place(an the time you spent there) will soon fade away. Realisation dawns that any home is only going to be temporary and even homes dont last for ever.

Life is all about moving with times. And the lighter the baggage the easier it'll be to move next time around.



[No Subject]

Aran | 17/06/2004, 20:36

If you really don't want the piano... can I have it? :D

And getting all philosophical here.. what is forever? Which place? Which emotion? Which relationship? Everything has to end sometime... does that mean you stop attaching yourself to things, places, people?

Don't think people will like this side of me... so remember me when you have a piano you want to get rid off. :)

[No Subject]

dessert rose | 17/06/2004, 20:41

you seem to have all the priveleged info about the network now :)

[No Subject]

dessert rose | 17/06/2004, 20:42

you seem to have all the priveleged info about the network now :)

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ar | 17/06/2004, 20:59

dammit.... dammit.... i was supposed to be the first one to post thinking aran using back door policy to get back at me fer breaking our ride-the-camel date..... dammit..... on shifting..... i remember moving out of my first cave... sigh.....*becomes too emotional to write any further*

[No Subject]

momo | 18/06/2004, 03:42

"does that mean you stop attaching yourself to things, places, people?"

or better yet - does that mean you stop eating just because you shit?

face it - life is good and bad at times - it's all about the ride - my 2 philosophical cents...

[No Subject]

dessert rose | 18/06/2004, 10:17

momo, please take back your piano :)
and yes your cents did help :)

[No Subject]

Guess Again!!! | 18/06/2004, 15:45

U were very true in writing this one!!! Heart Touching!!!

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