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12 Oct 2009

Desert Sand

Posted by Oblivion in Poetry | 2:22pm

Grain by grain
Slips the sand quick
Beneath the feet
That, jaded and adrift,
Walk to nowhere

With each step
Deeper the feet sink
Into the sand
That, eager and mean,
Yields sans care

Fervid like fire
Blows the blazing heat
From the Sun
That, fiery and aloof,
Derides the fare

Rugged and grim
Rests the stolid tread
With the grit
That, hard and biting,
Does the feet pare

The aimless path
Desert sand without pity
Spur the fetters
That, hungry and candid,
Stifle to tear

Grain by grain
Slips the sand quick
Beneath the feet
That, pale and cracked,
Walk to where?

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