I want an entry into my blog. I do not know what to say right now. They say speaking about your feelings/emotions is a good way of letting go of that burden of despair in your heart. Speaking to someone/anyone, heck even writing it down. I thought this would be easy. Its not.

What do I say now which wont make me sound like a loser? I fear, I dread the fact that probably I've reached a point in my life where failure seems to be a routine, my cartoon-network-thing-to-do if you fukkin want to put it that way. I wish I could learn from yesterday. I wish that I could've learned from the yesterday before that yesterday. I wish I could've seen this coming. Truth is, I did. I saw it coming. I look back and think I could have done better. Hindsight is such a wonderfully pacifying aspect. No, I shall not look back and think of what could have been. Right now,reality stares me in the face. Another collection of data showing me that "yes, you suck at this".

Why am I even blogging when I oughta to be sitting somewhere, collecting my thoughts, pitching my battles, planning for a better tomorrow? Because if I learnt anything from my previous failures, its that ,what I plan now will only crumble apart tomorrow morn.  I shall learn a bit from this time, I shall live for today. I shall hope for a better tomorrow, heck, they say hope springs eternal, so why not? As Jasz's sigs proclaims,  hope is a good thing..and no good thing ever dies.


I'm not a "has been", I'm a "will be".


**why do I hav dis cold feeling that i sound like an utter loser...again and again?**

Payne will return. In a while.

Current Mood: Confused
Current Music: Linkin Park - Crawling