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Here I am! Im OK!

Stand-Alone Dreamer | 8 July 2004, 8:14am

That experience, the experience of being Not Ok, all the while exclaiming its opposite, is now summed up (for me) in those two words, not unlike their peculiar - urban? - incarnation, in which the phrase is used in combination with 'no', most usually to a street vendor:

"Street Sheet?"

"No, I'm OK."

Maybe every utterance of I'm OK is a way of expressing how exactly the opposite everything is.

But I really AM individually OK after hours of sleep. In addition, we went around all over the place. We saw a jungle. We saw some kids playing a complicated clapping and shouting handgame. We saw some sales. We saw people waiting in lines, and we stood in lines. We saw the windows across the way. We saw the clouds turn color.

I'm OK..

Current Mood: Happy Indeed!
Current Music: its a party..

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  1. 1. By Stupendous Man  |  20 Jul 2004, 3:13am

    Very nice. I wasn't sure if you'd see me comment on a previous post, but I too have yet again begun on Atlas Shrugged..
    Though I'm reading the book.

    Nice blog. :)

  2. 2. By Stand-Alone Dreamer  |  20 Jul 2004, 3:42pm

    I did read that..John Galt is in again!!!! ;=)

    Anyways Thanks mate..

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