me, myself and my first blog

all about me, of course!

Settling down ....

allsmiles | 09 July, 2004 19:00

Been close to a month since we moved and have almost settled down now. Was fun tho .. having two to-do-lists everyday and a check list at the end of the day.

Work has been pretty hectic off late not enough leisure to gather thoughts and pen them down. The most common cliched complaint one has with their life, I guess [ no time ]

My mind wanders back to the day we were moving. We hired some packers 'n movers. They landed at 12:00 two guys from the packers and two people hired as help. The guys who were packing did their job meticulously and wrapped all the furniture and expesive electronics in some kinda packing material. It took them a while 5 and half hours. All the baggage was packed and placed close to the truck.

Now the scene was like this at roundabout 7pm there was we(the family), the packer guys, the labour fellows and the luggage all below. And guess what happens, the labour fellows refuse to help out. They say their times is up. What the Hell ............? 30 min into the hartaaal and all attempts to convince the pig headed labour guys were in vain. Even extra pay. They refused to budge. We naturally were in a state of panic. We were tired, running late and werent sure when we could arrange the stuff and relax. Things like these hit you when you least expect and easiest thing to do was to press the panic button. All we could do was stand and stare at the stuff in front of us and ...

We hired a cab to drive us over to the new house. He looked around and all became obvious. The cabby too tried to convince those pig headed fellas but to no avail. He volunteered to load the stuff and told the packer guys to cheer up. And the three fellows loaded a houseful of stuff cartons, furniture, electronic goods and all ..including pots of indoor plants etc etc. I dont know how he did it but when all seemed hopeless and tiring, he made it look easy. Everyone was now rejuvenated and managed to complete the stuff.

We drove in the cab alongside the truck. A few observations seemed imminent. Like no matter how well you plan, things could definitely go wrong. Pig headed people are bound to be there in any situation. Or normal people can turn out to be pig headed for no rhyme or reason. And then you also have another breed who, out of the blue, manage to re-assure you even when things seem hard.

That night was pretty long ... re-organising whatever was immediately necessary although we wanted to crash almost instantly. The packers were honest and the cabby, well he was the saviour for the day. Of course we tipped them all well.

Right now, I seem to press the panic button way too many times.. I think it just got jammed, refuses to work. Tells me, I must be patient and learn to deal with situations in a better way.

A lil bit of cheer will definitely help, I say.



[No Subject]

Aran | 09/07/2004, 20:00

Long time. Glad you're back. :)

[No Subject]

raven | 09/07/2004, 20:50

uh huh, ok... so that is your excuse for not turning up at Fusion9, and for me having to eat the WHOLE pie, and the ENTIRE maincourse, and itsy bitsy pieces o'CAD... i am not forgiving u, woman... not!

[No Subject]

dessert rose | 11/07/2004, 13:41

at least some one misses me Aran :). You are one "weird" devotee I wudnt wanna loose in a hurry. :)

raven, I will make it to the fusion9 date sometime ... (god knows when). you get to keep my jammed panic button. Sounds good?

[No Subject]

The Rainmaker | 11/07/2004, 14:32

interesting turn of events! see, you have stuff to write about... keep up the good work.

[No Subject]

dessert rose | 11/07/2004, 14:44

I am sure you do too.
You should start the good work too. Sometime.

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