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Parvati visits

Elmy | 17 August 2004, 4:14pm

The fortnight passes away and Parvati amma does not visit Sharda. A few days past fortnight and still no sign of Parvati.

Initially Sharda was worried and sobbed in the nights, but now she sobs even during the day, she does cry when cleaning the dishes and clothes and when no one is around. Her intensity to meet her mother grows.

The next day when she is down walking Sunny, she tells one of the other maids who works (7 am to 9 pm), in the neighboring block to tell Parvati amma to come down to meet her.

Parvati Amma comes in the next Sunday.

The moment Sharda sees her, she starts crying. They go down and sit in the play lot. Even before Sharda can start telling her travails, Parvati chides her "Why are you crying. I could not visit you as your father is admitted in the govt hospital !!!"

Sharda " How is he ?"
Parvati "I don't know, the doctors do not talk much. One of the nurses says that he has very few days left"

Both Mother and child cry for some time.

Sharda "Amma take me away from here, these people are horrible. I work from daybreak to mid night. Amma I miss home"

Parvati "Do not be silly girl. We cannot afford that, we now have an added burden of medicines. I cannot work too. Gradually the work will get easier. It

Current Mood: Cold
Current Music: Maa ho meri Maa...

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