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August Die She Must.

Johnny | 20 August 2004, 3:37pm

August Die She Must. The autumn winds blow chilly and cold. -- < !--StartFragment --> Simon & Garfunkel

August, a very bad and sad month for me. Many fateful things happened. I rather forget them. :(

The most terrible thing that happened was, i got an 'XX' grade in my Final project. All my plans of finishing off with my graduation, and spending the priceless one month i would get before i am absorbed into the clutches of the real world, in leisure, in Hyd, with my family, with my friends are shattered. :(

My current Crush got married this month, my ex - crush also current best friend, is gonna get married too this month. What is with these marriages and girls? All the good girls i know are gettin married, and i surely cant marry now. I feel that i am losing out on something. Its a strange feeling. I am not really sad, but i feel as if i am gonna lose on one facet of her personality. She would be officially someone else's. Not that i still have something for her.

I am Financially broke. I need money. :(

Anyways bygones are bygones. *sigh*

Today in our Dorm, some of us close buddies gathered together, and we had an interesting cack session, which ranged right from the different methods of torture to Was the british raj, the best thing to have happened to India?, with the cruel practice of sati in between.

Well it all started with this students' raggin case that cropped up in our institute, on the eve of Indian independence day. Some 2nd year guys of hostel number 7, were made to strip by four seniors. Actually it wasnt a big issue, except for the fact that one of the sophomore, who didnt strip himself, called up home to tell his friends' amazing experience in the hostel, to his momma. She obviously got scared and called up the Dean, and hence arrived the security jeeps, and the guys who were ragged were forced to tell the names. Then the next day a Disciplinary Action committee decided that the accused be punished severely. All the 4 of them have to drop for an year.

Dropping an year cuz of a misconduct is not a small issue. I think the authorities were too harsh in their decision. The whole student body here thinks the same. People appealed for a mercy petition. Hopefully things get better. One of the guys accused is a good friend of mine. He is a very kind and decent guy. I am sure he hadnt done something terribly wrong. Actually people do that kinna stuff usually, but things are not puffed like this one was.

Anyways me goin for a cup of tea now. Its 5:11 am already. Will come back and make Zzzzzz. :)

Current Mood: Worried
Current Music: April come she will.

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  1. 1. By current_crush  |  20 Aug 2004, 7:27pm

    too bad...if i'd known u had a crush on me, i wouldn't have married!!

  2. 2. By rainmaker  |  21 Aug 2004, 1:36am

    the fellows who made the juniors strip.. guess they deserved the ban. there are other ways to rag - why the nudity? thats gay.. and cheap.

  3. 3. By rainmaker  |  21 Aug 2004, 1:38am

    about the girls.. this is the age that they start getting married dude.. our country has got it all wrong! it happened to me in the 2nd/3rd year of college. had a crush on a girl, found out she was already engaged to be married. subsequently i wrote a poem... hmm maybe i should blog about it :)

  4. 4. By Serendipity  |  21 Aug 2004, 3:49am

    Apart, from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we? We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here, and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.

  5. 5. By Serendipity  |  21 Aug 2004, 3:49am

    Apart, from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we? We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here, and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.

  6. 6. By Serendipity  |  21 Aug 2004, 3:51am

    Apart, from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we? We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here, and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.

  7. 7. By Serendipity  |  21 Aug 2004, 3:52am

    Apart, from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we? We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here, and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.

  8. 8. By Script Writer  |  22 Aug 2004, 6:49pm

    Did you say those were second year guys that got ragged? Oh well, then they deserved it! Jeez! Being ragged in your second year! That is like the most humiliating thing one can do to oneself.

    Kinda reminds me of a third year senior we had ragged when we were in second year. :)

  9. 9. By JOhnny  |  22 Aug 2004, 8:06pm

    Yea those were the 2nd year guys. Its stupid to complain for trivial things. I mean apart from being gay, it was not like they were molested or something. Hostel life is like this, one learns things starting frm that point.
    Basicaly sophies in our college are ragged more than the freshies, for two reasons:
    1) Freshies got more protection and privileges from the authorities, so they escape the seniors for a whole year.
    2) After ebing in the campus for an year, seniors expect them to handle things in a mature way, and also be able to take care of themselves.

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